
Southbound Shipyards' new fighter-carrying containers have created a new use for what many considered an outdated design. Four external fighter bays make this the biggest civilian carrier on the market, if a little awkward as a warship. After Southbound assembly workers successfully named the "Nest", "Hauler II: Type F" was quickly dubbed the "Roost" to continue the theme.

Category:Medium Warship
Mass:796 tons
Energy:2200 + 300.0/s
Shield Regen:122.4/s, drawing 122.4/s
Capture Attack:1.2
Capture Defense:1.6
Required Crew:9
Cargo Space:80/80
(minmaxed):365 (685 with boxwings)
Outfit Space:14/450
(minmaxed):510 with 0 cargo, 495 with 20 cargo, 465 with 60 cargo
Weapon Space:10/140
Engine Space:3/80
Gun Ports:0/2
Turret Mounts:0/4
Idle Heating:720.0/s
Thrust:66,240, drawing 108.0/s, heating 204.0/s
Steering:944, drawing 96.00/s, heating 246.0/s
Radar Jamming:10
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:600
Meteor Capacity:0/60
Outfits:2x Meteor Missile Launcher
60x Meteor Missile
2x Quad Blaster Turret
2x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
1x S3 Thermionic
1x LP072a Battery Pack
4x D41-HY Shield Generator
1x Large Radar Jammer
2x Laser Rifle
1x Greyhound Plasma Thruster
1x Impala Plasma Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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Roost (Sidewinder)

Category:Medium Warship
Price:5,638,000 ← 4,798,000
Mass:809 tons ← 796 tons
Energy:4800 + 300.0/s ← 2200 + 300.0/s
Shield Regen:157.2/s, drawing 157.2/s ← 122.4/s, drawing 122.4/s
Capture Attack:1.2
Capture Defense:1.6
Required Crew:9
Cargo Space:80/80
(minmaxed):365 (685 with boxwings)
Outfit Space:1/450 ← 14/450
(minmaxed):510 with 0 cargo, 495 with 20 cargo, 465 with 60 cargo
Weapon Space:2/140 ← 10/140
Engine Space:8/80 ← 3/80
Gun Ports:0/2
Turret Mounts:0/4
Idle Heating:720.0/s
Thrust:98,280, drawing 186.0/s, heating 366.0/s ← 66,240, drawing 108.0/s, heating 204.0/s
Steering:1192, drawing 150.0/s, heating 378.0/s ← 944, drawing 96.00/s, heating 246.0/s
Radar Jamming:2 ← 10
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:600
Steering:71,520/s ← 56,640/s
Meteor Capacity:0 ← 0/60
Sidewinder Capacity:0/90 ← 0
Outfits:2x Sidewinder Missile Launcher
90x Sidewinder Missile
2x Quad Blaster Turret
2x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
1x LP144a Battery Pack
1x S3 Thermionic
2x D94-YV Shield Generator
1x Small Radar Jammer
2x Laser Rifle
1x A250 Atomic Thruster
1x A375 Atomic Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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