
Like a latent gene waiting to express itself, the knowledge of how to wage war in space has been passed down through hundreds of generations of Wanderers. Based on one of their ancient designs, the Derecho has a mixture of agility and raw firepower that is well-suited to their present, rapidly changing situation.

Category:Heavy Warship
Mass:1326 tons
Energy:10,000 + 2376/s
Shield Regen:300.0/s, drawing 600.0/s
Required Crew:57
Cargo Space:56/56
Outfit Space:10/796
(minmaxed):826 with 16 cargo, 811 with 36 cargo
Weapon Space:8/342
Engine Space:10/164
Gun Ports:0/4
Turret Mounts:0/4
Idle Heating:3120/s
Thrust:222,480, drawing 252.0/s, heating 510.0/s
Steering:2181.9, drawing 192.0/s, heating 426.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:500
Ramscoop:4 (2.00)
Thunderhead Capacity:0/80
Outfits:2x Sunbeam
2x Thunderhead Launcher
80x Thunderhead Missile
2x Dual Sunbeam Turret
2x Wanderer Anti-Missile
1x Blue Sun Reactor
1x Red Sun Reactor
1x Dark Storm Shielding
1x Bright Cloud Shielding
1x Wanderer Heat Sink
1x Wanderer Ramscoop
1x Type 4 Radiant Thruster
1x Type 1 Radiant Thruster
1x Type 4 Radiant Steering
1x Type 3 Radiant Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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Derecho (Turret)

Category:Heavy Warship
Price:75,489,000 ← 73,583,000
Mass:1329 tons ← 1326 tons
Energy:10,000 + 2376/s
Shield Regen:300.0/s, drawing 600.0/s
Required Crew:61 ← 57
Cargo Space:56/56
(minmaxed):596 (596 with boxwings) ← 596
Outfit Space:7/796 ← 10/796
(minmaxed):826 with 16 cargo, 811 with 36 cargo
Weapon Space:10/342 ← 8/342
Engine Space:5/164 ← 10/164
Gun Ports:4/4 ← 0/4
Turret Mounts:0/4
Cooling:2586/s ← 2568/s
Idle Heating:3120/s
Thrust:262,080, drawing 306.0/s, heating 606.0/s ← 222,480, drawing 252.0/s, heating 510.0/s
Steering:1849.9, drawing 162.0/s, heating 360.0/s ← 2181.9, drawing 192.0/s, heating 426.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:500
Ramscoop:4 (2.00)
Steering:110,994/s ← 130,914/s
Thunderhead Capacity:0 ← 0/80
Outfits:4x Dual Sunbeam Turret
1x Blue Sun Reactor
1x Red Sun Reactor
1x Dark Storm Shielding
1x Bright Cloud Shielding
1x Wanderer Heat Sink
1x Wanderer Ramscoop
1x Type 4 Radiant Thruster
1x Type 2 Radiant Thruster
1x Type 4 Radiant Steering
1x Type 2 Radiant Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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Derecho (Tough)

Category:Heavy Warship
Price:78,230,000 ← 73,583,000
Mass:1349 tons ← 1326 tons
Energy:11,500 + 2790/s ← 10,000 + 2376/s
Shield Regen:420.0/s, drawing 840.0/s ← 300.0/s, drawing 600.0/s
Required Crew:57
Cargo Space:36/56 ← 56/56
(minmaxed):596 (596 with boxwings) ← 596
Outfit Space:7/796 ← 10/796
(minmaxed):826 with 16 cargo, 811 with 36 cargo
Weapon Space:40/342 ← 8/342
Engine Space:5/164 ← 10/164
Gun Ports:0/4
Turret Mounts:2/4 ← 0/4
Cooling:1506/s ← 2568/s
Cooling Inefficiency:1 ← 0
Idle Heating:3600/s ← 3120/s
Thrust:198,720, drawing 222.0/s, heating 456.0/s ← 222,480, drawing 252.0/s, heating 510.0/s
Steering:2791.8, drawing 240.0/s, heating 540.0/s ← 2181.9, drawing 192.0/s, heating 426.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:500
Ramscoop:4 (2.00)
Steering:167,508/s ← 130,914/s
Thunderhead Capacity:0 ← 0/80
Outfits:4x Sunbeam
2x Dual Sunbeam Turret
1x Blue Sun Reactor
1x Yellow Sun Reactor
2x Dark Storm Shielding
1x Wanderer Ramscoop
1x Outfits Expansion
1x Type 4 Radiant Thruster
2x Type 4 Radiant Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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